Ok, so here are five blogs I've discovered recently (well, I've only been blogging a month, so everything's recent- these are more recent) and found entertaining enough that I didn't consider murdering their first born. I also may have laughed at one point. For other good blogs, check the right side of my page. For bad blogs, continue reading WildArsChase daily.
- Starting Over at 24: I found this one through AmyWellsBlog's recommendation, and she's right, dude is hilarious. His most recent post talks about putting together a perfect online dating profile, as he struggles to tell the truth about things like his 5'3 height. Hopefully, he has lots of personality.
- You Should Try Harder: A poor recent college graduate (sound familiar?) who writes funny, funny stuff and who recently decided that not having Internet access ranks worse on the tragedy scale than getting an STD or getting fired.
- SillyGrrl: Sarah, a Michigan girl, has all kinds of good things going on her blog- a photo of a pirate, a strong independent woman's view on things and my favorite thing, her 101 things to do- a list of stuff she wants to accomplish in the next 1001 days. I only wish I was that motivated. Or could think of 101 things to do that didn't involve laundry, walking my dog or considering a Russian mail order bride (Check, Check and Potential Check).
- Finger Talks: I'm kind of making an exception here, since I've been Finger-ing for a couple weeks now, but I get the sense that this Jersey girl is the female equivalent of me. See her Aug. 14 entry on "You're Not in a Relationship Until You Declare it On Facebook." It's almost like she's taken the words right out of my mouth... wait a second... Is that #%^&$ stealing my blog thoughts? Son of a... Oh, wait, my bad. It's all original. Love ya.
- Elle Michelle: I found Elle Michelle through HautePocket (another excellent blogger who, apparently, hates homeless people and poor interior decorating)...Elle, a Chicago girl, hates tourists. A lot. And she's crushing on King Triton from Little Mermaid. It's just excellence everywhere you look.
Whoa! I am flattered! Thanks so much, I had no idea about Blogging Day.
Can you link me to AmyWell? I'd love to check her blog out as well.
And by the way... a reference to Save by the Bell AND old school Nickelodeon? I think we're going to be good friends.
How did I not hear about this "Blog Day" you speak of? Shenanigans!
this jersey girl loves your Wild Ars! I forgot all about blogday, but i'm doing a belated post anyway and you're so my blogger of choice!
Sweet! Thanks!!
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