You asked, I respond. Haute Pocket, consider this my entry in your photo mem. As payment for yet another trip down Embarrassment Lane, I only ask that those of you who haven't signed up to follow me yet, do so (on right). Then I can at least tell Capricorn there was a reason for this.
Ha! And Capricorn, I have no idea what Andy's talking about. I've looked through every comment on his blog and have found no requests for this photo. He probably told you someone requested it to explain away why you walked in to find him half-naked, fondling poultry products.
You sir are a very special little fella. Special as in " willing to do crazy/mental things in an effort to entertain others " way of coursse, but special nontheless...
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Ever forward.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
And with that, my longtime relationship was over.
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Mini Me
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she headed back to the Big Apple and you know what I discovered? She is a
total ...
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ini dila...
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was very tired when I wrote it obviously.
*Here are the awesome parts about...
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this and gave in.
It's been almost 4 years.
Let's see how it goes.
Oh, Happy Day!
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say that I'm lucky to have you. Thanks for always giving me good advice and
for ...
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When it comes to s...
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make it a girls night out.
We had drinks at a friend's house early . The night was ...
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ago. Everyone knows this. And some of us *ahem* predicted it quite some
time ago. I...
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I really love animals. Like a lot. I've been a vegetarian for about eleven
years, and a vegan for the past year. Luckily, I'm marrying someone who
shares ...
I'm Alive...
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the 17y/o and the 15 y/o likes my daughter.I sleep with my eyes open.Their
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"Not soon enough. Laboratory tests over the last few years have proven that
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surf dudes with attitude
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Dreams". Any show that was basically "Saved by the Bell" + Music is fine by
me. It wa...
I'M HERE!!! But not HERE.
I don't write here anymore! Well, I only write here to tell you that I
don't write here, I write my thoughts and feelings and activities and post
pictures ...
Now Boarding at Gate 23
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beside me, ma...
I'm starting to understand my 401K.
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up on me completely constitutes my absence from the blog world. Well, I
also nee...
Closed for Business
So, I have some stuff going on in real life, and I've come to a conclusion.
I'm closing down this blog.
Thank you so much to everyone who read me, comment...
Why you should get a tattoo
I have two tattoos...both you wouldn't be able to see if I had my bathing
suit bottoms on. He Who Shall Not Be Named had a tattoo sleeve, and other
It's a good thing you are in journalism and not education or something. :-) Don't consider that career change.
Andy, I link to your blog on mine, but forgot to become a follower on yours.
The fact that you humilated yourself made me double check and I'm now officially following you.
This is...uh...I...
I'd like to say that this is impressive, but I'm not sure that is the correct word? I suppose were I a gay boy this might be my wet dream.
Whatever it is, it's dang funny. You have really gone above and beyond this time. That's good. I...think. ;)
Just looking at the two of you is making me want to hit up Sam's Club right now for a family sized Turkey gravey.
You guys are making me long for Thanksgiving already!
Ha! And Capricorn, I have no idea what Andy's talking about. I've looked through every comment on his blog and have found no requests for this photo. He probably told you someone requested it to explain away why you walked in to find him half-naked, fondling poultry products.
You're a good sport, Real Andy Shaw!
WOW. No really, W.O.W. You even went shirtless.
Now thats dedication Andy.
I'm not even sure what to say...
You sir are a very special little fella. Special as in " willing to do crazy/mental things in an effort to entertain others " way of coursse, but special nontheless...
Greatest. Picture. Ever.
I'm not even sure what else to say. Ha. Cannot believe you really did it. Oh man.
I love that you did this, Andy.
If I did follow at all, I would follow you.
Again with smiling with your eyes! Way to go Real Andy! If only ANTM took male models...sooo sexist. left me speechless..again. Too funny.
You're the only dude I'm following, actually.
Can we all agree now that it's really not wise to challenge me, because I'll actually do it?
By the way.. Capricorn's reaction to the photo: Wow. Wow. Wow. Oh wow.
I'm not worthy!
I'm not worthy!
You just rocked my world.
(p.s. and you definitely give the fake AS a run for his money. You look so intense!)
Hahaha!!! This is hilarious! And yes, we should get our chi's together. Maybe a joint post is exactly what the doctor ordered...
Yay! My new screensaver!
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