As we did before, acceptance speeches are welcome, unless you're going to run on stage like Kanye West. In that case, just don't say anything ignorant. And I do want to know "who" you are wearing. Today I've got on a H&M blue striped dress shirt, a tie from Salvation Army, French Shriner (?!) black loafers and grey slacks from somebody.

- Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
- Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
- Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
- Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List.
I'm giving this out to three people, so as not to cause award inflation over a two-day period:
* Sam at Yes, I Know "Sam" is a boy's Name: I already listed her as having one of my favorite posts of October, so she must be doing something right to get an award already. Her latest example of rightness comes today, actually, courtesy of this context-free quote: "It's not healthy to fantasize about murdering your ex-boyfriend. At least not to this extent...."
* Finger of Finger Talks: I've got all kinds of love for this Jersey girl. Blog love, true love, creepy love, much love, stalker love. When she parties, she parties. Trust me.
* Patrick of You know what? I don't care that Patty Walsh recently made it big-time writing TV scripts (lately for It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia). I'm giving him an award anyway, in case he needs another ego boost. You hear that PW? Andy's looking out for you. I'm lavishing you with a blog award. Check out anything in his archives, such as this memory of Koreatown.
you and lady capricorn are required to come partying with us Jersey girls. I've got a pirate hat just your size and she can wear my sombrero! you'll never be the same, hurry while supplies last.
and i think i may also be in massive amounts of love with you, we might have to get blog married and have blog babies.
Andy, I could kiss you, except that would be totally weird and Capricorn may get upset. Thank you for my first blog award. Now, I must pass the bloggy-love forward.
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