Would you want your kids named after characters in "The Cosby Show?" Capricorn said she would. Capricorn loooooves the Cosby Show, while I mostly enjoy Cosby's pudding pops and technicolor sweaters. But now she has announced she would want her children named after the characters. Perhaps she's kidding. Perhaps she's not.
But there's a larger question here. If you were to name your kids after child characters on one TV show, which would it be?
Some options:
Mark, Randy and Brad on "Home Improvement"
Lisa, Bart and Maggie, " The Simpsons"
D.J., Stephanie and Michelle (and Kimmy Gibbler?), "Full House"
J.T., Dana, Karen, Al, Mark and Brendan, "Step by Step"
Eddie, Laura, Steve, Richie, Judy (but only for a short time before she disappeared for no reason), "Family Matters"
Chris, Stewie and Meg, "Family Guy"
D.J., Darlene, Becky, "Roseanne"
L.C., Audrina, Hei... oh, nevermind
I think characters on "Doug" would be sweet: Doug, Skeeter, Patty, Roger... or maybe "Pete and Pete"-- there's Pete, and then there's that other one... Pete.
OK, maybe not. If I had to, I'd choose "Seventh Heaven"-- Matt, Mary, Lucy, Simon, Ruthie, Sam, David.... I'll admit this now: During the TV writer's strike last year, when nothing new was on, I got addicted to Seventh Heaven. Actually, I got my roommate addicted, too. I ended up watching just about every episode of the later seasons, up to the last episode. I almost got teary eyed.... Let's not talk about it...
Instead, which show would you choose?
Ooooh, I'd go with the O.C. Ryan, Marissa, Seth and Summer.
Or Doug. I think I'm going to name my next dog Porkchop.
Oooh, this is a toughie. I want to say Ballykissangel, a show that only I seem to know about.
Assumpta, Niamh, Brian Quigley... these names are gold!
Mork & Mindy.
She's testing you.
You give in on this, you're done.
Pushing Daisies for sure. Chuck and Ned? Yes please :-)
Gossip Girl...Serena, Blair, Chuck, Dan, Nate.
Mostly because my new thing is Gossip Girl.
It has to be Beaver, of course. yep, Beaver, Wally, Eddie, June, Ward.... they even had a dude on that show nicknamed Lumpy.
your choices are far too limited.
think outside the box my man.
My show choices?
Thunder Cats.
Jem and the Holograms.
Golden Girls.
your simpleness is adorable.
OMG, what a good question.
I'm afraid my answer is already Buffy the Vampire Slayer, because Husband has already stated that our future daughter should be named Anyanka.
I just hope I can talk him down to Anya.
I would like to vote for Animaniacs, and name my children Yakko, Wakko, and Dot.
what an awesome question.
i have to say that each of two gave some freaking awesome responses.
i actually have already chosen my names, but had i not already made that decision, i would have gone with Grey's Anatomy: Meredith, Christina, Isabel, George and McDreamy.
You and Capricorn are obviously perfect for one another.
My choice is "Happy Days," of course. How could you not want to name your kids Howard, Marion, Ritchie, Joanie, Potsie, Ralph and Fonzie?
Ummm...I've gotta go with Saved by the Bell! Screech, AC Slater, Jessie, Kelly, Lisa, and Zack!
Ok why is it that 4 of the Happy Day's character's names end in "ie"?? Where the writers having a tough time coming up with names or were they just being cut(sie)??? LOL
Heather stole my response - the OC all the way!! Had I seen that show before my son was born, he might not have been named Brendan. So I guess you can throw me into the Step By Step clan. Actually I came up with the idea while watching the movie The Mummy...starring Brendan Fraser...LOL
Ba-da da dum, snap- snap...
The Addams family...
Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Pugsley, Lurch, and Thing (that's the baby)...
If she is testing you with the Cosby names, test her back with the Addam's names...
Well, since you don't seem to count Nicky and Alex as some of the Full House kids, I'll go with something else (for the record, I would never have ACTUALLY picked Full House). I could totally rock the Muppet Babies--Bunsen, Beeker, Fozzie, Gonzo....
Or, what about Tiny Toons? Plucky and Hampton? Those dudes would get all the ladies
I'm actually very seriously considering "Cheyenne" from Reba. However, in the show, Cheyenne gets pregnant at 17 and Cheyenne means "speaks incoherently." I don't think that I'd name another child after a different character, because that would make it too obvious.
Blossom, Tony, and Joey, without a doubt. Blossom would have a nice hat collection, Joey would go around saying "woah" and maybe I'll even throw in Six in the mix.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rhyme.
Although the names aren't totally original, I would choose: Nate, David, and Claire from "Six Feet Under." I'm beyond obsessed with that show and have been for years. Plus, Nate is hot.
i like the jon & kate plus 8 kiddos names, but i do not -- i repeat -- i do not want 8 kids.
mmm,no Happy Days?
No Fonz, or Chachee(don't kill the typer here, I don't know), Richie, Potsy, or Ralph....
I'd go with Nicklodeans " Rugrats " - the original kids. Tommy, Chucky, Phil and Lil.
Too cute!
Let's all remember that any show is a possibility, so don't rag on me for the few examples I gave. I trusted you'd come up with good ones... and you did. Amy, bonus points for the Rugrats suggestion.
What about the Smurfs? Papa Smurf, Smurfette, Brainy Smurf... Okay, I forget all of them. But they'd be easy to remember.
Tish Tash beat me to it, but I was totally going with Blossom and Joey!! Damn her...jk Maybe Boomer, Coach, Key, CC & Tommy from NFL Countdown?? Yeah, I like that...all boys!!
This is quality question. I really like the names of the girls on "Sex and the City", particularly Carrie and Charlotte. But then my son would be named Mr. Big? That could be awkward.
Also, I heart the Cosby Show. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. Tell Capricorn I'm on her side!
I'm naming my first born Bart. I don't care if it is a girl she will be called Bartette.
Bonus points ? Woo hoo for my love of cartoons!
I, too, would go with the Seventh Heaven names. So simple. Is it bad that I miss that show? I need me some Ruthie.
OMG I totally forgot about Doug!!
For a while I was pretty sure I'd name my kids after the characters on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I was going to have a Zander.
Does it count though that I named my puppy after Charlotte on SATC?
I'm pretty sure there is nothing more cruel than naming your kid Skeeter.
Okay, Pepper Ann might come in a close second.
I adore calling my husband Theo because it drives him nuts. He prefers Ted. I keep insisting that we're going to name our first born Theo...but only if it's a girl.
After that, I'm going with Buffy, Giles, Angel, Willow, and Xander.
I named my daughter Zoe. Good thing I'm not having any more kids, I'd have to go with Grover, Snuffalufagus, Bert, Ernie... oh my! Cookie monster though, that would be awesome.
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