I'm 26 today. For the record, I was 9 pounds, 11 ounces at birth, a fact my mother reminds me of with great frequency, as if I was chomping on Twinkies and HoHos in the womb. Mom, it was all water weight- I felt so bloated that day.
While I adjust to life in my late 20s, I decided I'd let Southern Belle takeover with one of her now infamous Aussie definition posts. For the occasion, she even busted out an entirely appropriate Wild ARS Chase word. Enjoy, and I'll check back with you all later, after several pieces of cake and the regrets of 25 years of wallowing in self-loathing. I'm sure there will be a post full of reflections soon.
So, thanks, Southern Belle. I knew I gave you an award for a reason.
Aussie Dictionary: Fart-ARSing around
[OK, normally we don't capitalize the ARS is the middle of fart-arsing, but since this is in your honor, WildARS, it had to be done.]
to fart-arse around: (verb)
1. to mess around with something, possibly even though you're not quite sure what you're doing.
As in "We had to call a plumber after my husband decided to fart-arse around with the pipes under the sink."
2. to generally waste time in various meaningless activities. Similar to pottering around.
As in "There wasn't much to do at work today; I spent most of the afternoon fart-arsing around on the internet."
Also to piss-fart around.
[Happy Birthday, Andy WildARS!]
Soviet childhood: 55 photos
When the trees were tall, and the ice cream was the most delicious in the
world. When everything around was […]
1 year ago
I feel for your mom ...or for her vagina at least .... Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday dude! Here's to the next quarter century!
Oh and I love fart ARS ing around, my blog is a perfect example of the first deinition.
Have a good one and go get krunk.
Go shawty, it's your burfday. We gon' party like it's your burfday. We gon' sip Bacardi like it's your burfday...
Happy birthday, you big baby.
Why happy burfday Mr Shaw!
i hope you spend it fart-arsing around, and not actually working too hard.
(Belle, i love that your teaching those Americans our words and our ways..... )
9 lbs??? Good lord, child. You better give you mom fantastic mother's day gifts.
Happy Birthday!
I didn't know they let babies stay in long enough to get that big! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! I'm 26 too. It's a hot age.
Happy birthday mate!
Glad you enjoy the Aussie Dictionary.
Happy birthday! Enjoy the cake.
And don't feel bad about being a big baby- my little bro was 10 lbs. 7 oz. HUGE.
26! Yay! Happy birthday to you, sir. And I'm sorry to hear Capricorn broke up with you (or will be breaking up with you as soon as she hears how big your kids are likely to be!)
Happy Birthday Andy!!
Seriously you know you had a pack of hoho's hidden behind an ovary in there...don't even try to deny it.
In case you couldn't tell, I'm not awake enough to be witty yet.
But I did pimp this post on my blog!
: )
Happy birthday Andy! I hope you spend it fart-ARSing around!
Nice work Belle
Well Happy Birthday to you! My birthday is Sunday. :)
Hope you have a great day!
Belle told me to come say happy birthday.
So ... happy birthday, man!
Hap Hap Happy Boithday!
Damn, over 9 pounds? Imagine what damage you did to your mother's vagina. Actually, don't. I doubt you wanna think about that.
Too late, isn't it?? (As Nelson from the Simpsons would say...) Ha ha.
Happy Birthday!!
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I'm spending the day with Capricorn (that's right, I took a vacation day. I'm not sure why my work didn't declare this a holiday, but whatevs).
Happy Birthday Andy. You officially must now check the 26-30 age group box on all you paperwork. LOL Hope you have great weekend
Now I know what to call that thing everyone at my work does all day long. Thanks!
Happy Birthday, dude whose blog I just saw for the first time!
dude you're in your MID-twenties. not late twenties. I'm in my late twenties.
happy birthday fatso! ;)
Dude, 26???? Only 26???? Shiiiiittt.... I have belly button lint older than you...
Happy Birthday, you young whipper snapper!
Happy Birthday to you! I remember it fondly. My mid-twenties were the best times. Enjoy your birthday holiday!
It's your birthday?
Why, you should've mentioned it on your blog!
Hope you had a fantastic birthday, Andy. :) Congratulations on 26 years (I always thought it was awkward when people congratulated you on your age, as if it was something you'd been working really hard on... Thus I insist on saying it to people now)!
happy birthday, andy!!
how on earth did you manage to smuggle ho hos through the umbilical cord. i must know.
...happy birthdizzle.
My birthday gift to you is my word verification word: "dopation."
Do with it what you will.
Happy Birthday To You!
And I think I shall now incorporate "fart-arse" into my daily vocabulary ... as that is pretty much all that I do.
Happy Belated Birthday!
Happy Birthday Andy! Let me tell you if I had a 9 lb 11 oz baby, I would remind him of that often. There are not enough stitches my friend.
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